ICM Film Vault: Underrated Gems

Here in the UK it’s been one of the hottest summers on record, you could well be seeking shelter from that unforgiving sun indoors and watching a lot more films than you usually would. If that’s the case then perhaps you’d appreciate something new to watch? Look no further because this article is just the first of many! ICM Film is going to be cracking open the vault and inside are underrated gems aplenty. Films that we think are absolutely brilliant and well worth your time, but sadly they never seemed to garner the attention they so rightly deserve. It’s time to right some wrongs and provide you lovely people with hours of viewing pleasure, let’s get to it!

Captain Fantastic (2016): Featuring a marvellous central performance from Viggo Mortensen as a father devoted to single-handedly raising his six children in the forests of the Pacific Northwest.  Events unfold which suddenly force him to question his values and ideas of what it means to be a parent. It really does raise some interesting questions about society and parenthood, but it’s delivered in such a charmingly down to earth way. Captain Fantastic takes you on a truly unforgettable journey, one where you’ll find yourself completely and utterly invested every step of the way. It’s not every day a film like this comes along.

One Hour Photo (2002): August 11th 2014 brought the tragic news of Robin Williams death, but the wonderful thing about being as involved with the arts as he was is that you can live on through your work and his filmography really is one of the best gifts you could ever hope for. Williams is, of course, most well-known for films such as Mrs Doubtfire which had us all breaking out into an uncontrollable fit of giggles, but his more dramatic roles are also something to behold. In fact, it’s hard to imagine anyone else other than him playing Sey Parrish, a mentally unstable projectionist who becomes obsessed with one family who on the surface appear to be living the dream.

The portrayal of Sey Parrish is a deeply unsettling one, it’s no easy task but Williams plays the character in such a way that he actually manages to make him empathetic. Seriously when it comes to dramatic acting, Williams is really on top of his game here. One Hour Photo’s closing scene, in particular, leaves a lasting impact that’s enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

The Intern (2015): He’s worked with the likes of Martin Scorsese, Terry Gilliam and Michael Mann to produce a string of timeless classics, Robert De Niro is undoubtedly one of the greatest actors to have ever lived. However, in recent years, his credibility has gone out the window somewhat after starring in films such as Dirty Grandpa which in the grand scheme of things just show up like a skid mark on his filmography. It can be disappointing to see, but it’s hard to stay mad at someone of his stature. Besides every now and then he shows us that he does in fact still have that spark, with Nancy Meyer’s ‘The Intern’ being one of those rare occasions.

Here De Niro plays a seventy-year-old widower who has discovered that retirement really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. He jumps at the opportunity to get back into work and becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site. This is certainly a more understated performance for De Niro, but a respectable one nevertheless. The Intern definitely isn’t lacking in that feel good factor either, so if you’re in need of a big warm hug but have no one to ask, this might just be the perfect alternative.