
von Krogh’s debut album ‘Waves’ is an enchanting slow-burner

Norwegian up-and-comers von Krogh arrive with their mature and mysterious ‘Waves’ LP, tackling life’s turbulent ups and downs.

A quick glance over the 9-song, 35-minute track list of ‘Waves’ is misleading, you’re not in for a light-hearted musical frolicking; ‘Waves’ plods along at its own measured pace hefting some seriously heavy emotions.

‘Waves’ – recorded in frontman Elias von Krogh’s back room and in Greenroom Studios, Fredrikstad – kicks off with ‘Scales’. Ghostly vocals swirl and cymbal crashes swell, and Elias shouts into the void “Patience… where did you run to?” In many ways, this is a perfect way for von Krogh to set their stool out, the gentle piano balladry and clamouring guitars showcase von Krogh’s dynamism.

‘Costs’ is up next and makes expert use of its folksy acoustic guitars and bright pianos. But its Elias’ lyricism that really does it for me, the frontman soulfully belts “Life is amazing when you’re high above it all / but should you start bracing for the ground, I hear it call…”. There’s a palpable positivity, but a subtle awareness that the emotional rug could be pulled from under you; the album’s highs and lows quite literally come in ‘Waves’.

The third track is my personal highlight. ‘When It Rains’ brims with jazz-infused guitars, groove-laden bass and melodic tendrils which delicately wrap around you. Consider this one a sonic love letter to von Krogh’s musical heroes… there’re shades of Jeff Buckley and tasteful nods to Radiohead littered throughout, never a bad thing, right?

‘Waves’ continues lapping back and forth with gentle guitar musings (‘I Was On The Beach’) and charming string arrangements (‘Birds’).  Now over halfway through, it’s clear that von Krogh have crafted something unique in ‘Waves’- they pull you in, keep you there and you see the world through their gloomy lenses.

A late victory arrives in the form of title track, ‘Waves’. Clocking in at almost six minutes, it’s the album’s lengthiest cut, but, crucially, not a single second is wasted. Elias’ vocals ebb and flow from mellow lows to soaring falsettos – yeah, it’s a proper vocal workout! And instrumentally I love the finely balanced backing vocals (mixed by Bjarne Stensvik) and Gilmour-esque guitar sweeps.

A brief look at the final words of ‘How Wrong Could I Be?’ suitably sums up this debut album, “…if there’s love there / maybe it’ll find me”.  ‘Waves’ plummets to emotional lows and sails to extravagant highs with a thread of hope running through the emotional debris. von Krogh’s debut is one of ambition, textural detail, and spectral beauty. A mesmerising first effort.

The debut album from von Krogh ‘Waves’, is out now.

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