Trash release new single ’81’

The princes of awkward indie rock/pop are back with their new song ’81’. For those not in the know here’s a quick rundown of the four piece.

Trash are a Chesterfield-born band signed to Leeds label Clue Records (Allusondrugs, Forever Cult, Sunface). Trash currently sit on a nicely sized discography of singles and EPs to sink your teeth into whilst not being overwhelming. Their style incorporates upbeat surfy guitar tones, with lyrics to tell tales of awkward teenage romances and angsty hormone filled feelings.

This works entirely with the new track ’81’. The climbing riffs and vibes that make you feel like you’re in a coming of age film. Lyrics like ‘I still don’t know what I want or what I am’ that hit the nail on the head for any awkward teenager trying to figure themselves out help place these boys in the Modern indie scene. Their sound is entirely their own which sets them apart from almost anyone else at the moment and it’s always refreshing to hear their chiming charming tones come through onto various playlists and radio shows.

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