Starting a band is not easy, far from it, bands can spend months planning how they will start their groups to get the most number of fans. Just take The Hunna, they spent ages planning how they were going to gain loads of social traction through Facebook, it worked and now they have fans across the globe and listeners enjoying their music every day.
The Shimmers are a band I discovered a few days ago, and I refuse to believe that they have not planned their whole release, because this song just sounds just so tight. This track could have been put together by a band a decade old and mastered by one of the greatest sound engineers in the country. But apparently, it’s not. It’s true the band members have been in bands prior to The Shimmers, but at the time of writing, the band only have 90 likes on Facebook, 20 followers on Twitter and 1 follower on sound cloud. Yes, only one.
This is surely the peak of music discovery, we’ve had exclusive access to this song, it’s only just been made available to the public. You’ve heard people bragging about discovering a band before they were big, but we’ve discovered the Welsh duo before they’ve even seemed to discover themselves.
Their first track comes in soon, it sounds powerful and well put together, like they’ve been making music together for ages, it really sounds natural. With a sound this solid, we can’t wait to see what else they have to show us in the future.