Salvation Jayne

The Music That Made Us – Salvation Jayne

This week we got in touch with Salvation Jayne to see what music defines them. Here’s what the Kent Rockers had to say.

1. First CD/Record you owned?
Tor: I’m pretty sure my first ever music purchase was Michael Jackson’s Dangerous on tape which I still have. My only other really distinct music buying memory from when I was younger was getting turned away from buying The Eminem Show in Woolworths!

Chess: Gosh, I had tapes as child. I think it would have been something like a girl band called 3LW, very old school. I guess I stole the records from my parents which consisted of ABBA & Led Zeppelin, I would class those as my first record.

2. The song that sums up your childhood?
Tor: I was always singing ‘Glastonbury Song’ by The Waterboys in the car to my horse riding lessons! It’s a really vivid memory I have. Great tune though! I was always playing the Michel Jackson ‘Moonwalker’ film as well. Michel Jackson was very much a key figure in my childhood so take your pick, I loved all of it!

Chess: My birth name is Kristina so I guess the song ‘Good Grief Christina’ by Chicory Dip. My Dad always put in on with my embarrassment

3. The song that made you want to write music?
Chess: I listened to a lot of power house vocalist’s growing up. The singer that made me want to write was Alanis Morrissette. To this day she is my biggest influence. I love how quirky her lyrics are, so yeah she’s very inspirational to me.

Tor: Travis Barker was the person who inspired me to pick up some drumsticks. As soon as I saw ‘All The Small Things’ on MTV I wanted to learn the drums! I got to meet him this year so that was a dream come true!

4. Best gig you have been to?
Chess: I went to see Paramore in Brighton years ago and a band called Paper Route was supporting them. I was completely taken aback and amazed by them and I’ve followed them ever since. Awesome band, check them out.

Tor: The ‘Watch The Throne’ tour Kanye and Jay Z did in 2012. Went to one of the O2 arena dates and got to the barrier. The crowd was so chill, no pushing or nastiness everyone was just vibing and having a good time, and it was hit after hit after hit all night. Wish I could have gone to all the O2 shows they did!

5. The song that you want to play at your funeral?
Tor: Well here’s something I’ve never thought about, am now thinking about, and now trying not to freak out about. I literally have no idea. Anything by Owsey to give everyone in attendance the feels. Or better yet get him to produce something especially! I like his cello’s and vocal samples, there we go!

Chess: Ooooooh, probably Paper Route ‘Dance On Our Graves’. It’s so moving. Not really planned that far ahead yet though, I’ve got too much to do.

6. The tour bus favourite?
Tor: Faithless, The Cure, The War On Drugs, Limp Bizkit, Biggie!

7. Favourite song to play live?
Chess: As much as it’s demanding I do enjoy to singing our first single ‘Burn It Down’, it helps get rid of all my tension.

Tor: ‘Juno’ or ‘Whorehouse Down on the S.E.’ for me. Both have really cool drum beats in them and both get really great reactions from the crowd as well.

8. Favourite karaoke song
Chess: I’ve played ‘Finally’ by CeCe Peniston with a band in the past so it would be that one. It’s really fun to get out your system.

Tor: Careless Whisper (Including ALL Sax parts!)


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