sunglasses for jaws press photo for what does it look like

Sunglasses For Jaws offer cinematic psych rock with 70s infused dramatics

With a penchant for the dramatic, psych rock outfit Sunglasses For Jaws are gearing up to release their fourth album. 

Since David Bardon and Oscar Robertson formed the band in 2017, they haven’t put their foot off the gas yet, and even recently recruited vocalist Oliver Huband to join the band. 

Their new single ‘What Does It Look Like’ is the third single this year to be shared from upcoming album Everybody’s Made Of Bones, out June 3rd via Pony Recordings.

It’s 70s kaleidoscopic instrumentals, and funky bassline flicks provide a cinematic insight into Sunglasses For Jaws’ new album. Lilting xylophone runs, a cacophony of horns and Hubard’s spoken word narrative is delivered like a deep booming soundtrack.

Speaking on the new single, Huband said: “We ask questions for the purpose of getting answers, and if your question remains unanswered, you’ll just keep asking the question. Over and over. And we, humans, love to ask questions as much as we like to find answers. 

“’What does it look like’ is a broad, vague, all-encompassing question that has a million different answers.

“Everything can be everything, anything can be anything. It’s a question that speeds into the highway eternally, picking up information and passengers and ideas and thoughts along the way.

“It’s everything that appears on your tv screen, on billboards, in your dreams, behind your eyes, the incessant overload of visual and psychological stimuli.

“It’s the coke can and the wet soil, and everything in between. Don’t try and answer this particular question. Trust me. The pursuit is a hell of a lot more fulfilling than the destination.”

Produced at Sean Ono Lennon’s studio in upstate New York, Sunglasses For Jaws teamed up with Lennon’s partner Charlotte Kemp Muhl and Elliot Heinrich (Temples, Sorry, Parquet Courts). 

Previous singles ‘Woke Up from Something’ and ‘Walk Me Home’ are sonorous psych-rock ballads with treacle-filtered guitar twists and swivelling keystrokes. Everybody’s Made Of Bones is certainly going to be a surreal, magical experience over 45-minutes. 

‘Everybody’s Made Of Bones’ track list
  1. Walk Me Home
  2. Parti En Vacances
  3. 40 Days Unclean
  4. Bone
  5. What Does It Look Like
  6. Strategy
  7. Woke Up From Something
  8. Teen Magazine
  9. Over

Featured image by Lauren Luxenberg

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