pilot run - press photo for faces are hard to find ep

Pilot Run deliver hard-hitting alt rock with grunge and punk attitude

Smouldering up a concoction of alt rock, grunge and punk rock, Colchester trio Pilot Run show off their hardcore attitude with their debut EP Faces Are Hard To Find. 

Comprising of Bruce Teatheredge (Guitars, lead vocals), Matt Curd (Bass, backing vocals) and Craig Thompson (Drums), the outfit have been performing together for years under previous bands which one noticeably secured a slot at Download Festival in 2006. 

Fast forward to 2018 when they kicked things off for Pilot Run with ‘Ghost of Me’ and ‘To a Spark’. This cultivation has now led to the release of their debut EP. 

First tracks ‘Among the Dead’ and ‘Haunted Head’ take me back to early 00s punk and grunge similar to the likes of Jimmy Eat World and Biffy Cyro. The tracks are super heavy with guitar riffs and shouty vocals. 

Speaking about both tracks, Bruce said: “‘Among the Dead’ was a difficult song to write lyrically as it is quite literal, describing the day on which I received a message to say that my friend was in a bad way and I needed to come down to the hospital. 

“I made it down to see him and he sadly passed away the following morning. 

“The song was really the output of my need to get it off my chest and a recognition of how it affected me. 

“‘Haunted Head’ is very much a follow up to this in that it’s about the mental-health fallout I experienced afterwards.

“My friends were concerned that I was becoming depressed. 

“My message was that I’m just taking the time to be sad, and to let me be so that I can process what has happened to come out the other side.”

The variation in tones on the EP is shown through ‘Used to You’ and ‘Coloured Lines’ which shows the bands softer side. 

Laid back melodies and wistful drumming show the variation in influences Criag, Matt and Bruce bring to the table and is a healthy push and pull in different directions to ultimately become something special. 

‘Bauta’ is a song about taking accountability for our actions on a global scale. Everyone can be quick to criticise other people and share the good of what others are doing. 

Pilot Run finally got back into the studio and completed what they always wanted to do. ‘Faces Are Hard to Find’ is a wonderful collection of songs that proves the three of them haven’t lost their touch.

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