JACLYN press photo

JACLYN releases her debut EP following her fight with cancer

New York artist JACLYN has released her self-titled debut EP as she pursues her dream after a heart-breaking diagnosis of cancer.

The 26-year-old hasn’t let that put a dent in her stride as this five-track blend of 70s infused rock-pop is infectious and extremely powerful.

Kicking off with ‘Alive’, the previously released single brings out classy, yet passionate riffs as the bold vocals from JACLYN shine through. A stark reminder that from laying in a hospital bed to her first single, anything is possible.

‘Sold My Soul’ and ‘Lonely Boy’ put focus on Jaclyn’s formidable vocal presence as the orchestral powerhouse behind it puts everything into perspective.

‘Ptsd’ is an emotional number on her fight with cancer, and overcoming it whilst final track ‘Energy’ is built around a catchy sentence with a sincere message. The Staten Islandborn songwriter, therefore, is equipped for whatever her fortuitous future holds.

Despite the Hodgkin’s Lymphoma diagnosis, you tell yourself that if you ever get a clean bill of health, your soul will swim with music every moment thereafter. That you will dedicate your life to music completely. That is exactly what survivor, JACLYN, did. The result? Her vital new self-titled EP.

Proceeds from the project will go toward the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. And with the release comes this message: Whether it’s cancer, depression or another affliction, you can regain the strength to live in full again.

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