If someone were to ask you for your opinion on the great emu war, chances are (unless you were Australian) you’d most probably be left baffled searching desperately on google for what that term actually meant, or if there had in fact been a war in which the large flightless birds had fought alongside us in.
The reality of the phrase is, unfortunately, less far-fetched and instead tells the story of an unsuccessful emu culling rather than an interspecies battle for the ages.
On this occasion, The Great Emu War Casualties refers to the Liverpool-based band that simply happens to share the peculiar historical events name.
With such an unconventional name, you’d come to expect something exceptionally odd, however, when it comes to latest single ‘Hoodlum Uniform’ that somehow manages to be both and neither all at the same time.
Song wise, the track was enjoyable, offering up powerful vocals and helpings of guitar licks which really illustrates just how self-assured, The Great Emu War Casualties clearly are of the sound they create, and the genre they’re aiming for.
Whilst I do like the song, my main issue with everything lies in the music video. Whilst it’s not particularly grim or troubling, it can make for uncomfortable viewing. In spite of it just being an upside down mouth singing, the effects doubling it then spinning one iteration of the mouth honestly made my stomach and head hurt a little.
And that’s all without even mentioning the fact that it felt as if the mouth spent what the vast majority of the video licking its lips before then spinning in a way that.
Some may be into that as an artistic choice, on the other hand, I struggle to see it as such. It’s such a great song it’s just a shame accompanied with a video can’t do the song justice.
Also just in case you happened to be wondering about the historical war, apparently the emus won and the cull didn’t change a thing.