Discover Manchester’s singing doctor Sukh

Manchester-based singing doctor Sukh is back with new single ‘Nightingale’ as the artist prepares to release a new EP.
The Wolverhampton born, artist first started recording music in 2013 and was met with critical acclaim after debut single ‘Kings’.
After grueling studies and an intense life on the hospital wards sparked Sukh to write his second record ‘Galactic Love Machine’ which was released in October 2018.
Fast forward to an unprecedented time with COVID-19, Sukh recorded his latest effort ‘Nightingale’ and the EP ‘Falling Asleep with the TV on’.
The track highlights the daily sacrifices made by nurses on the frontline. Working alongside nurses and key workers himself, Sukh was inspired by their stories of reducing contact with their loved ones to ensure their safety.
Drawing from dark pop and rock influences the upcoming song explores the emotional complexities experienced by these NHS heroes.
Speaking about the single, Sukh said: “This song is very much a tribute to the nurses and the colleagues that put themselves in harm’s way every day during the COVID-19 crisis.
“It’s dedicated to all those I’ve worked with on the wards and beyond who go out of their way to do their best and help their patients.
“I hope by shining a light on it, on what they personally can go through, maybe we can start valuing them more in society in real terms.”
With this release Sukh has evolved his signature cinematic sound, of haunting melodies and on-thepulse lyrics to bring a more personal and vivid touch to his music. Listen below and leave an ICM Star Rating out of 10!