catfish and the bottlemen

Catfish and the Bottlemen announce massive outdoor shows

Catfish and the Bottlemen will play two huge outdoor shows in Cardiff and Newcastle next year.

Contributing a sense of unapologetic ambition to British guitar music and preparing fans for a raft of new material to follow their 2016, gold-status album, The Ride, the band is led out of the studio and onto yet bigger stages.

The band will play Spillers Wharf, Newcastle upon Tyne on Friday 25 May 2018 and Cardiff Castle on Sunday 29 July 2018.

The last 18 months has seen the band claim their place as a bona fide arena band at home, adding dates at Wembley Arena to their impressive list of conquered stages, and also fully establish themselves across North America and the South Pacific.

We could expect a third Catfish and the Bottlemen album in 2018 so fans should get themselves prepared for a busy year.

TICKET INFO: General on-sale: 10am (GMT) Friday 15 December 2017. Maximum four tickets per person in Cardiff and six tickets per person in Newcastle. The name of the lead booker will be printed on each ticket.

Ticket available on their website:

– Press image by Jill Furmanovsky –

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