The return of folk music is one that is gradually gaining momentum, but not in the way that we knew it before. The modern way of folk music could be tracked back to Of Monsters and Men, their sound had a folk feel, but was ultimately based on an indie/alternative sound.
This ethos could also be said for this young Icelandic artist, Axel Flovent. His style of voice and use of acoustic guitars make it feel folk, yet the sophistication of the song and the way some songs strengthen though the song gives it a more indie feel.
Flovent has recently released a new EP called ‘Forest Fires’, it’s the 19-year-olds second EP released for the pleasure of our ears.
The first song on the EP, ‘Forest Fires’ gives you an idea of what Flovent is trying to comprise in this EP, by showcasing his musical and vocal talents. The Song starts slow, but then builds up, as the name suggests – just like a forrest fire.
His voice sounds delicate, yet is is fully able to mould along with the melody. Just before the chorus he hums the tune calmly, before it gets to the heavier guitar and bells.
The second song is ‘Dancers’, this song starts with pleasant chimes, followed by a relaxed vocal piece that never takes off, but just eases you into a relaxed mood. It would be the perfect song to head a chilled playlist.
‘Nightlife’ is a beautiful song, it’s a slow symphony that deserves a legendary status. The piano work, mixed with Flovent’s voice creates a purely emotive experience. Everything about this song has been timed and conducted perfectly – it’s like it has been designed to hit the senses.
Flovent’s voice changes for ‘beach’, it complexes during the start, then flattens out at the end. Some parts sound jolly, before delving back under into the general feeling of the song. His voice is similar to Jack Steadman, yet it has more layers and variations, meaning the emotions of the songs have more control.
Overall the young musician has a complete package, in the genre that he pursues. His songs are all beautiful works of art, which all carry a story and have their individual characters.
[…] battle with his inner demons following a period of struggling with his mental health. As Axel Flóvent explains: “I always felt like when I went back to Iceland after tours and travels, I was less […]