Arctic Monkeys

Arctic Monkeys Definitely To Release New Album Soon*

Picture this. A Royal Blood concert, The Wiltern, Los Angeles. A man named Will Franco bumps into Arctic Monkeys drummer Matt Helders in the crowd. The two virtual strangers converse, Helders takes the obligatory photograph with an adoring fan and braces himself for the inevitable question that has been playing on the minds of many.

“When are we getting an album Matt, when?”

Helders sighs, and replies a vague ‘Hopefully by the end of the year’ to Franco. Or so he says.

This is information gauged from the comments section of Franco’s Instagram post, containing the said obligatory photo opportunity with the drummer.  So, I’m not saying that I am discounting that this exchange happened, I am merely suggesting that we shouldn’t be getting our Alex Turner-esque leather jackets and hair gel out just yet.

Fingers crossed that the Sheffield lads get an album to us soon, and if it is by the end of this year, all the better. But I personally won’t be planning my release party quite yet.

*Arctic Monkeys are definitely quite possibly set to release a new album, supposedly by the end of the year… apparently… according to a man…


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