110 Above: APRE talk music, rituals and festival essentials

The days are quickly ticking down until thousands flock to Leicester for 110 Above Festival 2019 for its 10th anniversary and we are continuing to speak to the staff behind the scenes and, of course, the bands themselves.

On Saturday we had a chat with festival co-founder and organiser Michael Lain on his magical journey, and today we speak with rising stars APRE who tell us their festival essential and more.

The Kent-based duo has been under our radar for 2019, making the ICM Ones to Watch shortlist, and have certainly lived up to expectations with the release of the ‘Everyone’s Commute’ EP and latest single ‘Come Down’.

Speaking of their journey, the band said: “It’s been amazing, we have been to places we have never been and had people singing the words back to us, America, Glastonbury, Europe its been a really special first half of the year for us as a band. Nice to feel like we must be doing something right!”

The year is only going to get more special for APRE as they have been invited to play John Kennedy’s X-Posure summer party which is celebrating 20 years of breaking new music and their autumn tour which starts on September 25th in Cardiff.

When bands go on stage it’s always interesting to discover what they do before making the walk to the stage. For the duo, its all about the love.

“We will tell each other we love each other, have a hug and then off we go, says the band. “The best gigs are the ones when you feel like a tight unit on stage both musically and mentally.”

A song that’s gone down well with fans, current and new, is ‘Gap Year 2008’ from the ‘Everyone’s Commute’ EP. The band say people can shout it easily – perfect for a festival.

Now here might be the most important bit, what must you pack before setting off to the Midlands? “Toilet roll,” says APRE. It sounds obvious but I bet festival goers still forget to take that vital commodity. The toilets usually run out of paper before the festival finishes!

Finally, we’re putting it to each band, who would they be seeing perform whilst being in the crowd, as they love listening to music just as much as the next person does.

They said: “We will definitely be catching Flyte. We don’t understand how they are not more popular? Like their songwriting is to die for. We’ll also go see Benjamin Frances Leftwich, went for dinner with him last week, lovely chap.”

Stay tuned for more interviews on our social media, in the meantime, get yourself to grips with the EP below.

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